Exchange Project
"En toutes Confiances"
The project "En Toutes Confiances" is an artistic meeting between sixty European youths (Hungarian, French, Portuguese and Greek) and are joined by a group of young Lebanese people; Among them, twenty participants are disabled. Most are engaged in the routine practice of artistic creation. The thread is promoting the" in between " , which seeks to overcome any difficulty regarding disability or disadvantaged urban environments.
The theme of the meeting is confidence: self confidence, confidence in each other and confidence in the future. It is the basis of the artistic creation; in each artistic event and throughout the exchange. By shared artistic activities (workshops, performances ....), it is to boost a life force, a positive force that fights against anything that could isolate us. The project En Toutes Confiances" talks about making the inside visible and seeks to provide enthusiasm and solidarity, permitting everyone to be part of positive and constructive relations when facing each Other.
The performed activities will be numerous and varied and will include verbal and artistic workshop exchanges around Multi-Arts, as well as participation in performances as actor/audience dynamic in cultural or public spaces (street parades and Cultural visits.
We hope to create a European network of youths who will share the values of empathy and solidarity and struggle against fear and isolation, by replicating this exchange and other similar projects via the promoters on other project themes. We will seek the integration of new local players in the five countries (mentioned above) using the Youth in Action Programme and with others, "bridge" the other side of the Mediterranean where we think, in its current turbulent state at the moment, is an international priority.