Creation 2016
Confidence in yourself, in the other, in the future
Choreographic piece for nine dancers, three of whom are disabled, lasting 30 minutes.
This piece addresses the theme of trust in oneself, and in others, in the future. This generous team has toured many festivals, Germany in particular, and receives reactions full of emotion and enthusiasm.
"You give a new perspective of life for all humans... " feedback from the audience

Choreographers : Sophie Bulbulyan, Corinne Faure-Grise and the team of dancers.
In collaboration at the start of creation with DGIZ, Slammeur and Yann Lheureux, choreographer of the Cie Yann Lheureux.
Costumes : Anne Yarmola
Dancers : Aidan Aird, Sophia Ait Hadj , Sébastien Aiscar, Joséphine Bault, Kenza Belmouloud,Mathilde Brémon, Céline Coppry, Anaëlle Couasnon, Souad Daoudi, Kevin Dang, Vincent Di Salvatore, Marwin Flocan, Melvin Gaspard, Stephane Goxerces , Yoni Halimi, Anton Kessler, Débi Kouete, Flora Fabèle, Philippe Nomenyo, Aba Okono, Barima Osei, Tanguy Ruiz, Sophie Sigwbal, Steven Vincent-Manette, Miché Quenum
Run time : 30 min